Thank you for responding to this special promotion for Borders stores, brought to you by The Personality Code!

If you are a Borders store manager, you can order any of the following items, free of charge, from this page:

An author signed copy of the book for your personal collection.

Blinky lights portraying the book’s jacket for your employees and/or your customers.

Passcodes for your employees to take the IDISC personality profiler that is included with the book.

The Personality Code is an exciting new book that will spend the next two weeks on the new releases table at all Borders superstores. The Personality Code is unique because each copy includes a pass code printed inside the jacket that allows readers to go online and take the IDISC personality profiler. The IDISC™ is already used by leading organizations like Starbucks, Microsoft, and the Department of Homeland Security to help employees better understand themselves and their coworkers. Starbucks, for example, has store managers take the test to get familiar with it, and then each manager has his or her entire crew take it and discuss their results with each other. This process gives employees—even those whose shifts rarely cross paths—a chance to quickly understand where others are coming from and what makes them tick, to foster greater teamwork and collaboration.

Dr. Bradberry, the author of The Personality Code, will be seen by your customers in national television and print media including Regis and Kelly, the Fox & Friends morning program, Newsweek, and Time.

Click here to share this opportunity with other store managers in your network. It’s open to any manager of a Borders store and we welcome your assistance in helping us to spread the word of this wonderful opportunity. Thank you for your consideration, and feel free to call with questions.


Michael Schmidt 

858-509-0582 x 250